Team & family members,

Since last Monday (October 4), four athletes and/or family members have tested positive for COVID. These are just the people we know about at this time.

While we are not cancelling shooting at this time, we will be doing the following:

  1. Any athlete or parent who would prefer not to participate, due to the increased risks of COVID at this time, will receive an excused absence IF we are told ahead of time. For this fall season only, the Clay Target League is allowing us to use an individual athlete’s Reserve Week scores. Again, this is only possible if we receive prior notice that an athlete is absent due to COVID-related concerns.

  2. All athletes who continue shooting on Monday nights are asked to socially distance, limit time in the clubhouse to bathroom use, and leave immediately following shooting.

  3. Squad start times will be adjusted to allow more time between squads. You will receive a REMIND message with your new squad time but for now, with the exception of the 4:15pm squads, we are asking everyone to come 15 minutes later (4:15pm squads will start at 4:15pm as usual, 4:45pm squads will start at 5:00pm, 5:30pm squads will start at 5:45pm, 6:00pm squads will start at 6:15pm)

  4. Any athletes using borrowed guns should pick up guns from the gun rack marked ‘clean’ and return them to the rack marked ‘used’. These racks will be up at the clubhouse.

For your convenience, here’s an online form to fill out for COVID-related absences:

Questions? Email us at